
Please download the Accxia LogViewer from the following location: Accxia App Store


The logviewer is a simple administration plugin without changing anything in your JIra installation it is purely for showing data.

To install the addon, login with administrator privileges and go to the Jira Settings and Manage Apps.

Click on "Upload App"

Choose the downloaded .jar file and click on upload

The installation is done. A license key is not needed for the LogViewer

Create your Logfiles

To create your logfile please enter the following URL:


  • Enter the correct "logDir". If Jira is installed in the default path all "access.log-file" are in the application directory in "/opt/atlassian/jira/logs". Enter the correct path and click on "Save Settings"
  • Attention! Please do not change anything in the default "RegEx" this regular expression is setup to analyse the Jira-Access-Logfiles!

  • Choose the amount of Logfiles you would like to analyse. The relevant logfiles are all access_log.2021xxxxxx. You can choose all the dates from the period you would like to analyse.

  • Click on "Analyse" and wait until the choosen logfiles have been listed in the result-field.

  • Scroll down to the end of the page and click the "Get Results-Button". A csv-file named results.csv will be downloaded

Working with your generated results.csv

To evaluate your results.csv an import into Microsoft Excel (only works with Microsoft Office for Windows, not with Microsoft Office for Mac) is necessary. Just opening the csv-file in Excel will not work. It needs to be imported!

To import the file into your Excel:

  • Open a new Excel Sheet
  • Goto the Tab "Data" and Import from Text/CSV

  • In the appearing window just click on "Laden/Load"

  • Mark all columns of your new table (please do not mark empty lines) and switch to the tab Insert and click on "Pivot Chart". Mark the necessary option (see screenshot) and click OK

  • In your Pivot Fileds choose the columns "date", "hour" and "user"

  • Arrange the fields as shown in the following screenshot

  • Change the options for the user field. It has to be changed to "Distinct Counting" (settings for the field can be opened by clicking on the little arrow)

  • After clicking on OK your Pivot Chart is ready and showing the peak of your logged in concurrent users